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RGCC Accredited Practitioner

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Hello, I'm Dr. Tom Hickey, DC, ND, LCN

I specialize in providing access to RGCC testing and/or creating personalized holistic integrative nutritional metabolic therapy for oncology clients via Telehealth.  

Application of Scientific Analysis

Therapies are integrated with application of scientific data from RGCC (Research Genetic Cancer Centre) testing that enables personal customization of case management to achieve maximal positive clinical outcomes


About the Doctor


Dr. Tom Hickey graduated from the University of Western States in Portland, Oregon. (1982) with a Doctor of Chiropractic (DC) degree.  Dr Hickey was top in his class and earned the Valedictorian of his class. He also has a Doctor of Naturopathy (ND) degree from Kingdom Collage of Natural Health, in Avilla, IN (2017).  His undergraduate degrees include a BSc in Business Management from Oregon State University (1975). His solo practice in 1983 started with emphasis in orthopedic and sports therapy including dietary, health fitness and lifestyle medicine.


Dr. Hickey began to focus his practice on nutritional therapy. His passion for helping people with cancer led him to his extensive study of the research contained in the National Institute of Health data bank.  His research focused on the many signaling pathways cancer cells use to overgrow and aggressively proliferate.  He found hundreds of natural substances that block the overgrowth pathways to essentially slow and many times stop the out-of-control growth of these cancer cells.

2018 was also the year Dr. Hickey was introduced by a professional colleague to RGCC (Research Genetic Cancer Centre) testing.  The blood test, also known as the "Greece Test" is a "liquid biopsy" that includes circulating tumor cell (CTC) detection, identification of phenotype biomarkers, chemo-sensitivity testing of cytotoxic agents and natural substances to cancer cells in peripheral blood circulation that provides scientific data for clinical personalization of cancer therapy.

To date, Dr. Hickey has managed many client cases via Telehealth.  He believes that the layered application of principles from science in molecular oncology within an integrative therapeutic framework over a platform of whole foods plant-based diet and lifestyle medicine leads to higher positive clinical outcomes in cancer therapy.   


Dr. Hickey takes the role of a client health advocate providing informed choices in healthcare.  The client as a team member makes the final decision to follow a health path based on informed choices.  Dr.Hickey helps to coordinate and integrate the client's choice and interfaces therapy tasks from various healthcare providers into one integrative cancer therapy protocol.  


To attain a level of consciousness that a healthy mind, body, and spirit is a balance that leads to a satisfying, happy, and joyful life, which is divinely inspired.


To reach the maximum positive clinical outcomes in therapy while maintaining an etiquette of practice that serves to satisfy societal expectations.

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Baseline Lab Tests needed for Case Management

Comprehensive Wellness Profile


(CWP):  This bundled test consists of CBC with differential,  Glucose, Electrolytes, Lipid Panel, Liver Panel, TSH, Kidney (metabolic panel), Mineral and Bone.


Inflammation Markers:  CRP high sensitivity, ESR (sed rate), and Ferritin.


Vitamins:  Vitamin B2 serum, Vitamin D 25 Hydroxy


Urinalysis, Complete with Microscopic Examination


Cancer Marker (below is a list of general cancer markers for biopsy-proven or established diagnosis of cancer ONLY and NOT for screening):  

CA 27.29 or CA 15-3 (for Breast Cancer)

PSA (for Prostate Cancer)

CEA (for Colon Cancer or Lung Cancer)

CA 19-9 (for Pancreatic Cancer)

CA 125 (for Ovarian Cancer)

Thyroglobulin (for post-thyroidectomy Papillary Thyroid Cancer)

S100B (for metastatic Melanoma)

AFP (for Hepatocellular Liver Cancer)

Beta-2 Microglobulin (for Lymphoma or Leukemia)

CGA (for Neuroendocrine Cancer)

Frequently Asked Questions

Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.

What is RGCC testing?

RGCC stands for Research Genetic Cancer Centre.  It was founded by medical oncologist and genetics researcher, Dr. Ioannis Papasotiriou, MD, PhD in 2004.  RGCC is an oncology research and development company that has 25+ branches in 20+ countries, and the global presence is increasing.  RGCC headquarters is in Switzerland and general lab in Greece.  There are other labs in Germany and India that are for research purposes.


RGCC testing is a molecular oncology blood test also known as “liquid biopsy” that detects whole cancer cells (circulating tumor cells) disseminated from primary and/or metastatic sites or from unknown primary sites at very low level, and enabling enumeration for the baseline, and for identification of the heterogeneous cancer cell population.  The test is not meant to replace current conventional diagnostics, but like imaging and routine blood work it provides a more accurate assessment of the cancer status when combined with routine imaging study and routine blood labs.  


An analogy comparing conventional diagnostics with RGCC testing is as follows.  When doing clinical imaging studies (PET/CT, CT, MRI, US, Mammogram scans) of the body, on one hand it is like looking down at a forest from a drone high above and seeing the landscape and the borders or perimeters of an area of interest but unaware of what is happening at the ground level under the canopy of the trees. RGCC testing on the other hand is like looking from the roots of the trees up to the ground level to see what is happening.  The view from the drone can spot changes in the topography, shape, borders, and perimeters of the forest indicating suspicious activity below, but a closer look down at the ground level and roots of the trees may reveal a different situation.  Combining the two information produces an accurate assessment of the area of interest for baseline and future comparisons.


When making clinical decisions and creating therapy plans, an assessment or clinical impression of the disease condition needs to be as accurate as possible.  Conventional oncology diagnostics have relied on technologies that have not matched the growing molecular oncology diagnostics until recent years.  Around 2015, advances in molecular oncology diagnostics introduced “liquid biopsy”, which involves whole blood studies of circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) from circulating tumor cells (CTC).  Detecting ctDNA enables early cancer diagnosis for conventional oncology.  The process of determining specific treatment plan is based on the biopsy-proven cancer diagnosis and what the FDA has approved for treatment of that diagnosis.


Unlike detecting ctDNA, RGCC testing detects the circulating tumor cells in the blood and includes chemosensitivity testing that determines what is or what are the most effective therapeutic anti-cancer agents (drugs or natural supplements) against the cancer cells in-vitro.  So, rather than creating a specific treatment plan based on biopsy-proven diagnosis, RGCC testing enables creation of personalized integrative therapy plan based on the individual's cancer cell physiology.  There is no need to guess what works when using RGCC testing.  The testing also provides the information on CTC resistance to treatment factors and tumor related gene expression rates (mutated genes that support cancer proliferation) for further customization of personalize therapy.  Currently 171 anti-cancer agents are tested routinely, and additional agents can be added to the blood sample for chemosensitivity testing at the discretion of the practitioner. 


Integrating RGCC testing data with conventional oncology and holistic therapy enables maximum potential for positive clinical outcomes in oncology care.

Where is the Headquarters of RGCC International?

Is there a representative branch office in the US?

What tests are performed by RGCC?

Are there any published research about RGCC testing?

Literature References for Validity, Precision, Accuracy, and Methodology of RGCC Testing


Liquid Biopsy Review Articles:

CTC Detection and Isolation using Negative Selection Method: reloaded=1 Methods-for-Circulating


Chemosensitivity Assays using Liquid Biopsy of Melanoma CTCs:


CTC Detection in Breast Cancer Patients:


CTC Analysis as Diagnostic Tool for Chemotherapy Response:


CTCs to monitor disease progression and possible metastatic potential:


Prediction of Metastases through study of CTCs:


Review Article of Liquid Biopsy in Diagnosis and Prognosis of Colorectal Cancer:


Real-life Precision of Liquid Biopsy selecting drugs compared to Tissue Biopsy:


Gene expression profiling that supports the Onco-D-Clare cancer screening test for healthy subjects:


Study showing contribution of WBC gene expression in prediction of cancer (supporting the introduction of Onco-D-Clare cancer screening test for healthy subjects):


Treatment based on Tumor Related Gene Expression:

Gene Expression analysis in CTCs with Colorectal Cancer compared with established protocols:


Cell Culturing Assays:

Comparison of Cell Culturing Assays:


Click Here to read more on RGCC research publication.

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