What is the process of getting RGCC testing?
During the RGCC Test Order Consult Dr. Hickeywill initiate a request to RGCC North America distribution center in Atlanta, GA to drop ship a RGCC test kit to your home address (for North America residents only) via FedEx Ground. Delivery takes 4-8 days depending on location. The test kit contains a disposable blood draw kit, a vial containing EDTA to collect the blood sample, collection and shipping instructions and international paperwork (mostly pre-filled except your name, signature and date of blood draw), and a pre-paid FedEx International Priority shipping label. Blood draw service is either through AnyLabTestNow center (if available in your area) or via local mobile phlebotomy service. The test kit with the collected blood sample is taken to a local FedEx Store or hub to ship. Turn around time for test results averages 14-16 days. Results will be forwarded to you by Dr. Hickey.